I’m going to talk about the history of Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night comes from the Gunpowder Plot, which was an attempted incident to overthrow the government in England. The Gunpowder Plot was planed by Robert Catesby and Guy Fawkes cooperated with him. They planted gunpowder under the government and tried to carry out the plot and kill the king of England, James I, by exploding gunpowder. However, part of the plot was told by someone. At first they hesitated to carry out the plot but Guy Fawkes decided to continue it.
Finally he was arrested and executed before carrying out the plot. Bonfire Night is also called “Guy Fawkes Day” after his name. The Welsh think of him a criminal who tried to kill the king but the Scots think of him a hero who fought for freedom.
Finally he was arrested and executed before carrying out the plot. Bonfire Night is also called “Guy Fawkes Day” after his name. The Welsh think of him a criminal who tried to kill the king but the Scots think of him a hero who fought for freedom.